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Hao Cheng Hao Cheng

I am currently a postdoc at the University of Luxembourg.

In 2023, I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Luxembourg, under the supervision of Peter Y. A. Ryan and Johann Großschädl.

From Nov 2022 to Apr 2023, I was a visiting Ph.D. student at the University of Bristol, supervised by Dan Page.

My research interests are in cryptographic engineering, including:

  • efficient crypto implementation
  • crypto instruction set design
  • side-channel analysis

contact #

  • email: hao (dot) cheng (at) uni (dot) lu
  • office: MNO-E02-0225090, 6 Avenue de la Fonte, L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

service #

  • CHES 2024 AEC

experience #

  • postdoc, 2023-2024
    University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

education #

  • Ph.D. in cryptography, 2019-2023
    University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • visiting Ph.D. student in cryptography, 2022-2023
    University of Bristol, United Kingdom
  • M.Sc. in computer science, 2017-2019
    University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • B.Eng. in information security, 2011-2015
    Northwestern Polytechnical University, China